Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Applying for SJD in Environmental Law Personal Statement

Applying for SJD in Environmental Law - Personal Statement Example Throughout my school life, I have always strived to maintain a distinguished and clean record in law so as to steer me well towards achieving my dream in law. I have also shown great promise and likeliness of a remarkably outstanding scholarship. Moreover, putting into consideration my past records and present ambition, I have managed to show an ideal high potential for successfully completing the scholarly dissertation of high required quality as expected of me in this field. These I have managed to secure as an illustration of my capability in successful studying of the Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D). Doctor of Juridical Science is a career that I believe I have the relevant ability to pursue. This is a career that I want to sturdy for a number of reasons. First, I want to use my knowledge and expertise to join other scholars and teachers of law in helping my country. The career is one that requires diligence and readiness to perform to the greatest of one’s ability. Th is is the same extent of expertise that I want to employ and through it help my country. Saudi Arabia requires diligent people and great scholars who will help train the younger law students into becoming the people they want to be. Without good scholars and teachers of law, the present young students of this country who would like to pursue related law careers do not have hopes of achieving their dreams. I would like to be given a chance to help my country in training these young students. I would like to contribute towards the making of the next legislators, lawyers, judges and many other law practitioners. Saudi Arabia does not have enough professors who specialize in SJD in environmental law. This has always brought a lot of shortcomings when it comes to matters relating to environmental law. Moreover, if this trend continues this way, it is unfortunate but in the future; we will not be able to have enough law practitioners who specialize in environmental law. We, as a country, therefore need to have more professors who will apart from train students of law who specialize in environmental law, also help encourage other law students to join the specific field. I would like to have the opportunity to help in these. I would like to add to the number of professors who specialize in environmental law so that we can emphasize a lot of specialty in this field just like other fields. The well-being of our environment is crucial to the normality of our country. Our environment supports our life and balances the ecosystem. The presence of lecturers who specialize in environmental law will directly or indirectly help boost this sector and ensure its continuity. This is also why I want to specialize in environmental law. So that using my expertise, I can help train other students in ways of practicing effective environmental law. This country also has few female lecturers. To be more specific, there are also very few female lecturers who specialize in environmental la w. Women deserve a place in this profession. We deserve to have more women lecturers and also more of those needs to specialize in environmental law. For this reason, I would like to be given a chance to pursue the Doctor of Juridical Science and become a well-informed female professor who will serve her country will all her knowledge and expertise.

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